Here we are at the end of this 2021, whose restrictions, worries and some losses made it a difficult one. A bumpy year but WE DID IT!
We have reached the end and maybe for some of you this can be a moment for a yearly recap. Instead of planning for the next unpredictable year, be focused on all the beautiful things you have accomplished this year, on your ability to overcome the uncertainties, and your ability to adapt and move forward. A daily meditation moment teaches you the practice of letting go, which is the practice of stopping the doing, stopping holding on to something or someone. You will become slowly slowly the witness of your mind movements, free of all the recognized emotional entanglement. You will recognize that train of thoughts come and go. It’s like a river with its constant flow of water. Sometimes it is gushing quickly and sometimes it is gushing slowly.
You have 2 choices:
- You can jump into that river and get swept away by that river, meaning you get involved in your thought process. Sometimes it’s relaxing to float down the river; sometimes, extremely scary. It is part of our existence
- You can sit on that riverbank and just watch the river. Whether or not it is a raging torrent or a calm serene river, you can be relaxed and watch it.
Becoming familiar with your mind process and becoming aware of all the emotions that normally give colour to your deeds, speech and thoughts, are the core principles for righteousness. It is a process that will lead you toward non-judgement acting, putting aside all the emotions, unhealthy repetitive patterns and habits that create reactions. And more, you will develop a deeper level of observation: observing your judgments without judgment.
- “F.R.Y. First Responders’ Yoga. The Book” was launched in February 2021 on Amazon, available in both paperback and kindle format.
- Our first press release was captured by major media outlets, such as Yahoo!Finance. Click here to read about it.
- F.R.Y. The APP, the digitization of The Book, was launched in November 2021 and is now available for download on both ANDROID and APPLE. Live streamed Classes and Events, Life Style and Mind-Set suggestions, Specialized Classes and more are available at a push of the button
- We recorded over 700 videos of breathwork (pranayama), Yang & Yin movements (asanas), relaxation techniques, positive affirmations (yoga nidra), meditations, classes and specialized classes.
- Our co-founders, Julia and Sasy, penned essays for well known First Responder magazines: Canadian Paramedicine (click here to read the essay) and Canadian Firefighters (click here to read the essay).
- Our Director Sasy was interviewed by Life Boost about his experience in the law enforcement field and and how his knowledge about yoga and meditation have helped him during his 20 years of service as Police Detective. You can listen to the interview here.
- We reached over 182,000 people who looked at the content we published on our Facebook and IG pages.
- Our CEO Julia is leading a 3 hour in-person workshop in the Ottawa area “2022 Vision Board Energy – Create the Life You Wish to Live™“, creating individual vision boards for 2022 while exploring the influence of Kundalini Yoga for Prosperity and Classical Yoga Nidra neuroplasticity. Reserve your spot here (January 9, 2022 9AM-12)
- Our Director Sasy is leading “Yin Yoga. Approaching the Functional” online course about Yin yoga and the functional approach to the yoga practice. Reserve your spot here now and get your early bird ticket (course starts on January 22, 2022)
- Our CEO Julia is leading a Classically Based Yoga Nidra online course for anyone interested in a deeper understanding of Yoga Nidra for their own practice and self-healing OR Yoga Teachers interested in Certification. No experience with Yoga Nidra required. RELAXATION*VISUALIZATION*MANIFESTATION™. Reserve your spot here (course starts on February 2, 2022)
- F.R.Y. The Method In-Person Classes (4-week sessions) will be available Monday nights starting in January 2022 in the Ottawa Area at Willow Wellness. More details and to hold your spot click: Session #1 (January 10, 17, 24, 31), Session #2 (February 7, 14, 21, 28), Session #3 (March 7, 14, 21, 28) and Session #4 (April 4, 11, 18, 25). No experience necessary.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or book at your convenience a 15 minute appointment with us to know more about our services by using this LINK to our Calendly.
We are available to work with your teams.
Have a wonderful 2022
from the F.R.Y. Team to yours.