This breathwork technique is a boosting and cleansing breathing technique. Do not practice this technique late at night, unless you do wish to stay awake, for example to overcome that 3PM energy slump, near the end of a shift or during an overnight shift. It is energizing and may prevent you from falling asleep. This technique focuses on the exhalation of the breath. The exhalation is performed quickly and forcibly through the nose by contracting the abdominal muscles, which constricts the diaphragm. This forces stale air out of the lungs. When the abdominal wall is relaxed, the diaphragm draws down into the abdominal cavity and the inhalation happens naturally. The exhalation is strong, powerful, and quick through the nose. The inhalation that follows is passive, calm and automatic. Remember to focus on the abdomen receding on the exhalation and expanding on the inhalation.