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The Meaning of Meditation

An excerpt of the full length interview with Khube Rinpoche and the benefits of Meditation for First Responders.

You can enjoy the full version of the interview and get the most out of his experience and knowledge by clicking the video below “The Benefits of Meditation for First Responders by Khube Rinpoche” 

The Benefits of Meditation for First Responders by Khube Rinpoche

In this interview Khube Rinpoche explains the benefits of Meditation for First Responders, coming from his deep wisdom and knowledge.

A little intro about his background and story begin the experience.

Enjoy these practical tips and insights.

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Mindfulness: What is it?
Doctor Castellanos explains it

An excerpt of the full length interview with Doctor Gus Castellanos about the benefits of Mindfulness  for First Responders.

You can enjoy the full version of the interview and know more about Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Method and how it can help First Responders by clicking the video below “The Benefits of Mindfulness for First Responders by Doctor Gus Castellanos”

FRY Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Meditation

The Benefits of Mindfulness for First Responders by Doctor Gus Castellanos

Doctor Gus Castellanos, has been teaching and researching mindfulness-based programs since 2009. He has facilitated hundreds of mindfulness programs to thousands of participants throughout South Florida and currently teaches with Mindful Leader and Mindful Kids Miami. As an adjunct instructor at Nova Southeastern University he has developed, delivered, and researched a mindfulness-based program for their students, staff, and faculty. He is a graduate of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and practiced Neurology and Sleep Medicine in Jupiter, FL, US for 25 years. Gus has been facilitating a twice-monthly mindfulness session at a local prison since 2011. He is a Level 3 Fully Certified Teacher through the University of Massachusetts In this interview Gus will explain the benefit of Mindfulness for First Responders, sharing with FRY his experience and knowledge.

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The Emergency Mind: Wiring your Brain for Performance Under Pressure.
A friendly conversation with Dan Dworkis.

Dan Dworkis is the creator of “The Emergency Mind” whose goal is to bring to the reader and listener lessons from the emergency department on how to apply knowledge under pressure and getting done what needs to be done.

Dan is also the author of the “Emergency Mind: Wiring your Brain for Performance Under Pressure” and in this conversation he shares his experience as a doctor who runs resuscitation rooms and works in a high pressure environment.

We want you, First Responders and Front Liners, to perform better when you are needed the most and to come back “home” without any regrets.

Thank you Dan.

Kapalabhati Breathwork

This breathwork technique is a boosting and cleansing breathing technique. Do not practice this technique late at night, unless you do wish to stay awake, for example to overcome that 3PM energy slump, near the end of a shift or during an overnight shift. It is energizing and may prevent you from falling asleep. This technique focuses on the exhalation of the breath. The exhalation is performed quickly and forcibly through the nose by contracting the abdominal muscles, which constricts the diaphragm. This forces stale air out of the lungs. When the abdominal wall is relaxed, the diaphragm draws down into the abdominal cavity and the inhalation happens naturally. The exhalation is strong, powerful, and quick through the nose. The inhalation that follows is passive, calm and automatic. Remember to focus on the abdomen receding on the exhalation and expanding on the inhalation.

Abdominal Breathing

Most people have forgotten how to breathe properly and only breathe through their mouth and chest. The diaphragm is a sheet of muscle and connective tissue, separating the chest from the abdominal cavity. When we expand the belly on the inhalation, the diaphragm contracts and pulls down into the abdomen enlarging the chest cavity for the expansion of the lungs, drawing the breath into the lower parts of the lungs. On exhalation, the diaphragm relaxes, decreasing the size of the chest cavity, deflating the lungs and pushing out the air that is left in the lungs, including from the lower part of the lungs. Can you guess why people unconsciously abandon the natural abdominal breathing? Stress is why people unconsciously abandon the natural way of breathing. The stress response can be reduced by breathing with the diaphragm.

A presentation of F.R.Y. The APP

Have a peek at our FRY The APP, the digitization of our “F.R.Y. First Responders’ Yoga. The Book

Download the APP on:

– Google Play Store by using this LINK

– Apple Store by using this LINK

A presentation of "F.R.Y. First Responders' Yoga. The Book"

Have a peek at the presentation of our “F.R.Y. First Responders’ Yoga. The Book” that outline FRY The Method tailored for First Responders by First Responders: breathwork, functional yoga movement, meditation and positive affirmation designed for First Responders needs, for their resilience and their mind-body wellness.

And with F.R.Y. The APP those tools are available anytime, anywhere, when needed at a push of a button.

Download The Book HERE 

Our Director Sasy being interviewed

Our Director Sasy has been interviewed by LifeBoost about FRY and his experience as Police Detective.

Watch it to learn more about our vision. 

Our CEO Julia being interviewed

Our CEO Julia has been interviewed by CityNews 101.1 at Sam Laprade Show about FRY and the launch of FRY The APP.


Enjoy it!

FRY The Method - Seated Neck Stretch

A follow-along video demonstrating Seated Neck Stretch.

First Responders experience persistent neck pain. It is becoming a fact, especially as you tilt your head to listen to the radio, strain over a console, or sit in your duty vehicle . This active stretch brings focus to areas of the neck often overlooked.

Enjoy it!

FRY The Method - Seated Side bend

A follow-along video demonstrating Seated Side bend.

Improves mobility in the hips and spine and re-energizes the body and mind. The movement also has a meditative effect when eyes are closed bringing focus and awareness to the body.

Enjoy it!

FRY The Method - Warrior 1

A follow-along video demonstrating Warrior 1.

This posture is an interesting movement for First Responders as it opens the chest and is said to create courage. It strengthens the shoulders and stretches the arms. In addition, it strengthens legs, ankles and back, opens the hips and creates space for the lungs. It stretches not only the arms and shoulders but also the back, neck, belly, groin, legs and ankles. You can feel its impact on your quadriceps and hamstrings as well as the back extension of the erector spinae muscle.

NOTE: Knees, ankles, shoulders and lower back are red flag areas in this posture. Lower the arms or shorten the stance if you feel any discomfort.

Enjoy it!

FRY The Method - Humble Warrior Pose

A follow-along video demonstrating Humble Warrior Pose.

While the Warrior 1 is fierce, there is a beauty in the variation that offers introspection and an awareness of where your body is in space. Plus, there is an oxymoron in the name Humble Warrior. The Humble Warrior is so named as it is a bowing down of traditional Warrior 1. It opens the shoulders, arms and wrists while also strengthening the core muscles and stretching the chest and hips, all highly recommended for First Responders. Also, as the head is relaxed down, gravity helps to stretch the neck.

NOTE: As with all inversions, even mild inversions, be aware of how you are feeling if you have unregulated high/low blood pressure or glaucoma.

Enjoy it!

FRY The Method - Saddle Pose

A follow-along video demonstrating Saddle Pose.

The saddle pose is frequently considered as one of the more challenging yin yoga poses. It offers a deep stretch for the fascia and muscles of the bent leg, together with a great stimulation for ankle and knee joints and compression to the spine, offering increased blood flow to the lumbar region. This posture stretches the hip flexors and quadriceps. It increases flexibility of the hips. It provides knee, ankle and spinal lumbar compression, increasing blood flow. This is an excellent posture for First Responders, especially if you find yourself sitting for long periods of time.

NOTE: The knees, ankles and lower back can easily become red flag areas in this pose. Pay attention to the sensations in these areas so the sensations that you feel are mild.

Enjoy it!

FRY The Method - Half Shoelace Pose

A follow-along video demonstrating Half Shoelace Pose.

If you are stiff, it is possible not to experience the right amount of positive stretch in the leg but in the lower back. Please do not pull with your hands at all, remembering the Yin principle of yielding the experience and letting go. A possible variation of forward bending can be the half shoelace in which one leg is folded over the other so that the ankle is close to the hip and knees are stacked. The other leg is stretched straight forward. You can fold over the top knee with the arms resting on the upper knee. This posture intensifies the stretching of the bottom leg, working also on the glutes of the top leg.

NOTE: pay attention to the top knee and the lower back that can easily become red flag areas in this pose. The sensations in these areas must be mild.

Enjoy it!

FRY The Method - Goal Setting Meditation

A follow-along video demonstrating the Goal- Setting Meditation.

The power of the mind is unfathomable and when it is used with a deep level of mindfulness as it happens during meditation, it increases your ability to create the life you truly desire. This goal setting meditation is an enabler to achieve the desired results. 

Enjoy it!

FRY The Method - Specialized class: Yin Yoga. Going Beyond Flexibility

A follow-along FRY Specialized class: Yin Yoga is the practice of yielding sensation and feeling, stepping outside of one’s immediate subjective experience to make a non-identified awareness of the experience. It is called “decentering” or “meta-awareness” and promotes greater awareness and acceptance of the emotions. Repeated acceptance and awareness of the emotions leads to reduction of emotional reactivity.

Enjoy it!

FRY The Method Full Class

This follow-along practice takes you through all 6 segments of FRY The Method for First Responders – Breathwork, Warm-Up, Functional Movement (energetic Yang & passive Yin), Relaxation and Meditation. It is for all levels – modifications are offered to increase the intensity. Suggested Props: folded blanket or towel, or yoga blocks. THEME: As First Responders often push weights resulting in tight muscles & generally have a difficult time letting go, this session is about creating space in body and mind.

Enjoy it!

FRY Autosuggestions & Short Positive Affirmations

The full FRY The Method form of relaxation (corpse pose) incorporates two ancient relaxation and mind-setting techniques: a Tense-and-Release process and Autosuggestion, and Positive Affirmation elements (Classical Yoga Nidra) to call into play what modern science refers to as neuroplasticity (a mindset, planting the seed of what you wish to accomplish). Remember, the “quality of your day begins with the quality of your thoughts.” Here, we take you through an abridged version with Autosuggestion and Positive Affirmations.

Enjoy it!